5 useful email expressions


Hi. My name is Emma, and today we are going to look at some very useful email expressions.

So we're going to look at five in total, and these email expressions can be used in formal

email writing. So I've had a lot of students in the past tell me that they spend hours

writing very simple, short emails. These expressions will help you to improve your email writing,

and to write emails a lot quicker. So let's get started.

Okay, so our first expression, very common: "Please find attached _________."

Okay? "Please find attached _________." So, what do I mean by "attached"? So, in this

case, "attached" is a verb, but "an attachment", which is the same thing but in the noun form,

is an added computer file. So it's a computer file we add to an email. So, what are some

examples of attachments? Well: "Please find attached my resume." This may be an added

computer file. "Please find attached photos from the conference." So it's a very simple

phrase. It's very polite. Notice we have "please". "Please find attached _________." And then

you just fill in the blank with the computer file you're adding to the email. Okay? So

that's our first expression.

Now let's look at our second expression. "I've forwarded _________ to you." Or alternatively,

we can also say: "I'm forwarding _________ to you."

So, first of all, what do I mean by "forward"? Okay? Well, a forward... "Forwarding" is a

verb, but it can also be a noun, as in "forward". So a "forward" is when you get an email and

you decide you want to resend the email to someone else, so you forward it to them. So,

again, it's when you want to resend an email and you send it to a different email address.

So that's a forward. So what can I forward? Well, we've used resume already; we can use

it again. "I've forwarded..." Maybe you're forwarding someone else's resume, so: "Bill's

resume to you.", "I'm forwarding John's email." Maybe there was a good email he sent, so you

want to forward it to someone else to you. So that covers forwarding.

K, now let's look at some more expressions.

Okay, so expression number three: "I've cc'd/cc'ed/copied _________"-and then

you write the name of the person-"on this email."

So, what does this mean? Well, sometimes maybe you've written an email to someone, but you

want someone else to see what you've written. So the email isn't directed to this person;

you just want them to know what's going on, so you might cc them or copy them. Okay? So

there are three different ways to write this. Remember, in business writing and in formal

writing for emails, we really want emails to be short and to the point. We want them

to be concise, so that's why you may see "cc'd", not as a word but just with an apostrophe

"d", meaning the past participle. "Cc'ed" or "copied". All of these are correct to use.

So I could say: "I've cc'd Umar on this email." Meaning the email goes to someone, but Umar

can also see the email too. So the email isn't directed to Umar; he can just see it too.

So why might we cc someone? Well, to keep a person, so someone, in the loop.

So this is another common expression you may hear. When you keep someone in the loop, it means

you want them to know what is going on, so you keep them in the loop. Meaning now they

know what is happening. Okay?

Expression number four:

"If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me."

So, first of all, what does "hesitate" mean?

This might be a word you don't know. It means to wait. So, this can also sound like: "If

you have any questions, please don't wait to contact me." "Hesitate" is, of course,

more formal and it's the one that is commonly used. So this is a great way to actually end

an email. Towards the end, before you say: "Sincerely", or: "Kind regards, Vanessa",

or: "Emma", or: "Umar", or: "John", this is a good thing to write before the very end

of the email.

So here's the fifth expression: "I look forward to..." and then we have different

options. So before I get to those options, "I look forward to",

what does that mean exactly? Well, it means this is what you want the other

person to do and you're saying it in a polite way. So: "I look forward to hearing from you."

You want the other person to contact you. "I look forward to hearing from you." And

notice we use verb in the "ing" form. Another thing we could say: "I look forward to meeting you."

Okay? So this is the action that's going to happen next, and I'm excited about it;

I'm looking forward to it. I could also, instead of using a verb "ing", there are so many different

variations of this, I could say: "I look forward to your reply." Meaning I'm waiting for your

reply. I'm excited to get your reply, although it's not that strong. Okay? So this, again,

usually comes towards the end of the email and it's just telling the person what action

you're waiting for.

Okay, and now how do we sign off on the email after that? Well there are many ways to sign

off on an email. A common way is: "Kind Regards," or just: "Regards,". So I could say:

"Kind Regards," and then underneath that, write: "Emma.", "Regards," underneath: "Emma.",

"Warm Wishes,", "Yours Truly,". Again, these are just some suggestions. There are many different

ways you can end an email and write your name underneath. Okay?

So, I look forward to reading your comments and hearing about your opinions. And so, until

next time... Well, before until next time actually, you can also practice these expressions

on our website: www.engvid.com. We have a quiz there where you can practice this vocabulary

and make sure that you understand it to the fullest.

So, until next time, take care.