Learn Future Simple Tense | Basic English Grammar Course


Hi, everyone.

I'm Esther.

In this video, I will introduce the future simple tense

using 'will' and 'be going to'.

This is a very important tense that will help you express future actions and plans.

There's a lot to learn, so let's get started.

The future simple tense can be used to express a future action.

Let's take a look at some examples.

I'm cold.’

Well that's right now.

‘I will close the window.’

We start with the subjectwill’.

And then, the base verb.

‘I will close the window.’

In this example, I'm making a sudden decision because how I feel right now.

I will close the window because I'm cold right now.

‘I will be at the library tomorrow.’

Again, you start with the subject and thenwill’.

After that, you have the base verb.

You can use thebeverb to talk about a confirmed plan.

‘I will be at the library tomorrow.’

The economy will get better next year.

In this case, the subject isthe economy’.

Again, we follow withwilland the base verbget’.

The economy will get better next year.’

I'm making a prediction here about something that will happen in the future.

And finally, ‘I will help you with your homework.’

I'm making a future plan to help you.

‘I will help you with your homework.’

It doesn't say when but I am talking about the future.

Let's move on.

You can also usebe going toto express a future action.

It's almost the same aswill’.

Here are some examples.

There's no milk.

I'm going to buy some.’

So what you see here is the subject and then thebeverb - ‘am’.

‘I am

And then here we used a contractionI'm’.

I'm going to buy some.’

I made a decision to buy some because there's no milk.

The next sentence says, ‘It looks like it's going to snow tomorrow.’

Here the subject isitand so I use thebeverb – ‘is’.

it is

It'sis the contraction.

It's going toAnd then we use the base verbsnow’.

The wordtomorrowshows that this is a future action.

He's going to take a trip in the summer.’

Because the subject ishe’, we use thebeverbis.

And we can use the contractionhe's’. ‘he isorhe'sgoing to

And then the base verbtake

take a trip in the summer

Again an action happening in the future.

Let's move on.

Now, let's take a look at the negative form of the future simple tense.

The first example says, ‘Stan will not like his English score.’

No matter what the subject is, we follow withwill notand then the

base form of the verb.

Stan will not like his English score.’

We won't give you money anymore.’

In this case, the subject iswe’.

And we follow with the contractionwon't’.

It sounds really different and it's different from other contractions,

butwon'tis the contraction forwill not

so you can saywe will notorwe won't’.

They're the same.

We won't give you money anymore.’

Again, you notice the base verbgiveafternot’.

He is not going to fly until next week.’

This sentence usesbe going to’.

The subject ishe’.

And therefore thebeverb we use is – ‘is

However we put anotafter thebeverb.

He is not going to …’ And then the base verb.

He is not going to fly until next week.’

The last sentence says, ‘You are not going to go to the party tonight.’

The subject isyouand so we use thebeverb – ‘are’.

You are not going to go …’ That's the base verb.

‘… to the party tonight.’

Let's move on.

Now let's take a look at how to form basic questions in the future simple tense.

The first sentence says, ‘He will play with us.’

To turn this into a question, all we have to do is change the order of the

first two words.

SoHe will becomesWill he’.

Will he play with us?’

The next sentence says, ‘He is going to play with us.’

This one usesbe going to’.

The subject ishe’.

And so thebeverb to use is – ‘is’.

Then we havegoing toand then the base verb.

He is going to play with us.’

When I make a question, I simply again change the order of the first two words.

Is he going to play with us?’

Now if the subject were to beyouorweorthey’,

we would saythey are’.

And so the question would say, ‘Are they'.

'Are they going to play with them?’

for example.

So again, remember, forwillin the future simple tense,

just saywillsubject and then the base form of the verb.

However forbe going toquestions, make sure that you pay attention to the proper

'be' verb to use at the beginning of the question.

To answer the first question, ‘Will he play with us?’

You can sayYes, he willorNo, he won't’.

Is he going to play with us?’

You can say, ‘Yes, he's going toorNo, he isn't going to’.

Let's move on.

Let's look at how to formWHquestions in the future simple tense.

If you notice each question begins with aWHword.




And What

The first two sentences usewillfor the future simple tense.

Who will win the game?’

To answer I can say, ‘My team will win the game.’

When will they arrive?’

They will arrive in two hours.’

Now these two sentences havebe going to’.

Where is he going to study?’

In this case, I have thebeverb – ‘isbecause the subject ishe’.

Where is he going to study?’

I can say, ‘He is going to study at the library.’

And finally, ‘What are you going to do?’

In this case, I use thebeverb – ‘arebecause the subject isyou’.

What are you going to do?’

‘I am going to take a shower.’

Let's move on.

Great job, everyone.

You now have a better understanding of the future simple tense.

There's still a lot of practice you need to do because this tense is so important.

Keep studying and I'll see you in the next video.