21 Difficult Words | English Pronunciation Practice


hey what's up Stefanie the English coach here from EnglishFullTime.com

in this video I'm going to pronounce some difficult words for you to help

with your pronunciation so the first one is clothes as in I'm wearing clothes ok

good thing oh man ok so yeah I'm wearing clothes now the thing about this word is

it sounds exactly like close the door some people will say no it's not it

sounds completely different or there there is a difference but I've noticed

that like in British English or in Australian English there might be a

little bit of a difference but in American English there is not we say

clothes like put on some clothes take off your clothes whatever oh my gosh

this is so inappropriate the same way we say close the door ok next honestly

honestly that T is silent we say hones-ly we don't say honest ly ok honestly

next important important that one is difficult because you're stopping sounds

in the back of your throat you're not saying important or important

okay you're saying import import import important important ok

you can emphasize the end a little bit more if you want you can say important

important or you can say important I think it sounds the same the way I said

in the beginning honestly ok just important that's how we say it important

important opportunity opportunity oppor opportunity tunity opportunity

opportunity opportunity this video is a great opportunity for you to practice

your pronunciation oh yeah I'm embarrassing myself ok antibiotic

antibiotic that cream is an antibiotic Anna Anna Anna biotic that's crazy

because it looks like antibiotic or antibiotic or something like that but we

don't even say it like that we say Anna biotic it's an antibiotic overwhelmed I

bet you feel overwhelmed right now with this video over whelmed overwhelmed over

over overwhelmed am i are you getting do you get it you

get it okay let's move on over whelmed wait let me think about why

this would be difficult for people over whelmed I think it's because of the R

and the D at the end probably overwhelmed over whelmed overwhelmed are

you overwhelmed I hope not I hope this video is not making you overwhelmed

irresistible irre irre irre sistible so ear uh uh sista uh uh bowl oh oh

okay I'm emphasizing some of these sounds for you because when we say it

quickly it's hard for people to pick them up but there's an uh-uh in there and

an oh-oh okay and one day I'm gonna make a video about this dark L because

it's strange it's how do I say this I don't know if people ever really

explained to you how to make this correctly okay

next squirrel squirrel all all squirrel squirrel congratulations

shins shins congratulations congrat congrat congratulate

congratulations congratulations and you know what if that's too hard just say

congrats congrats alright you don't need to say congratulations

mm-hmm extraordinary extraordinary this looks like Extra Ordinary okay but that

is not what we say we say wow that's extraordinary okay so I'm saying it

extraordinary extraordinary Denari Denari duh duh nari

extraordinary vocabulary vocabulary believe it or not I've heard a lot of

even English teachers mispronouncing this word so vocabulary b-yuh b-yuh b-yuh

bulary vocabulary bulary vocabulary bulary b-yuh-lary graduation graduation

graduation graduate he is a graduate grad jyou grad jyou jyou jyou grad jyou it he's

a graduate we just went to his graduation graduation unemployed

unemployed un im unemployed ploid unemployed I hope you're not unemployed

a so wait mmm how do I say this Association Association Association shinshin Association cia shin

associate so cia so cia shin Association Association Association artist artist

think about ar and then dist with a D dist artist artist he is an excellent

wait he is an extraordinary artist there that way we can you know incorporate

what we learned earlier in the lesson he is an extraordinary artist

congratulations he is a graduate as an never mind never

mind okay moving on if you see that I keep looking down it's because I'm

looking at my phone cuz this is where my words are so little explanation

serendipity seren seren serendipity un dipity un dipity serendipity dipity

dipity that's actually pretty fun to say serendipity serendipity battery battery

batter batter battery I just had to stick a new battery in my microphone cuz

the other one died battery unbelievable on unbeliev believe able able

unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable you know what the when we

say it quickly the N and the M it's it's kind it's not really an unbelievable

like an N it almost turns into an M I realize that's unbelievable um

believable that's unbelievable that's unbelievable unbelievable anyways

as long as it sounds right I guess it doesn't really matter how you're making

this out because I can say that's unbelievable

or I can say that's unbelievable and it actually sounds exactly the same but I

am making the sounds a little bit differently okay so as long as it sounds

how it's supposed to sound who cares how you make it

sixth sixth the sixth I don't know this is the sixth something six-th that is an awkward one the

sixth day the sixth homework assignment the sixth attempt at making this video

oh just kidding okay the word just I want you guys to know that when I say

this word in connected speech I usually don't say just I say just that's just

weird that's just weird I guess that example is good enough I was trying to

think of others but anyways I use this word all the time I should be able to

think of this pretty easily anyways so just instead of saying just just say

just that's just weird just just just that's just weird okay so

that's it I hope this video was helpful go ahead and check out the links in the

description because I always have extra resources there for you as well as this

list of words for you to look at and you know read that's all I'll see you in the

next video bye

this is something that though I'm recording I know you said pictures oh my

gosh that's so inappropriate anyways this is my oh I can't even make this

video my god it's pretty it looks great okay this is what I was trying to say in

the other video that this is one of the things excuse me Renzo I am trying

to make a video okay it's 48 degrees Fahrenheit right now what is that in

Celsius Ren I don't know freaking cold that's what it is not that cold but it's cold it's like 10*C

I'm bundled this is Renzo's sweater cuz I'm so cold and let's take a look at Ren

Renzo are you cold over there huh apparently he's not cold he's wearing

shorts and a sweater I don't believe him so if he gets pneumonia tomorrow is a shirt not a sweater we

will I said sweater oops I meant shirt we will all know why let the record state

that I warned him he would get sick do you guys think he's gonna get sick

what's gonna happen

that you can use that pattern for lots of different types of sentences

okay we are gonna start over

and the last one I actually

dog's barking

we can wait

so that's what we mean I hope you find this helpful now...

uh.. that's it I have nothing left to say