PTE reading consists of five tasks including:
Multiple choice, choose single answer: Where you choose one answer
Multiple choice, choose multiple answers: Where you have to choose at least two answers
Re-order paragraphs: Where you put sentences back into their correct sequence
Fill in the blanks: Where you drag and drop a word into a blank space to complete a phrase
Reading and writing fill in the blanks: Where you must choose the best word to fit into the gap.
Keep in mind that the order of the PTE reading section does sometimes change.
The order that I just showed you is the typical sequence
Also, the PTE reading section is the first section of the test where you have to manage your own time.
So make sure you move efficiently and accurately through this part of the test.
Don't get stuck and waste time on individual questions.
Watch the following videos for a brief explanation of each task and tips that will boost your score on test day